Healing Ancestry Lineage: Clearing the throat through generational trauma

4 min read

I recently found myself in a group setting with other people like myself, awoken to the same path, tasked with the same work. One of the woman who does certain type of energy work and she works closely with her guides, had offered her services to the rest of the group. After about a week of contemplating, I finally reached out.

Since the beginning of January, I have been dealing with, what feels like, a golf ball lodged in my throat that moves up and down into my heart space. I needed some sort of guidance on how to release what it was that I had been carrying. I was guided on going down one of my ancestry lines. There is something there that needs tending too. The following day I went up Spirit Mountain to Memorial Landing and spent some time. I played my flute that I had been gifted a month prior, and just felt the prayers flow through me.

On my way home, That is when it started and I was called to do energy and healing work down my father’s lineage. This was a path I had never walked before, it was uncharted territory for me. Yet, it made sense, as I had never truly considered his side of my ancestry. I suppose, because I know so little about that lineage, I had never consciously ventured there.

As I went inward, I felt the energy move through me, and my father came into view. I watched as the energy broke through him and reached his mother. A woman I never met, aside from a single phone call when I was around the age thirteen. Unfortunately, when she called, since I was a troubled kid. The moment she said, “It’s your grandma,” I was completely confused and responded, “I only have one grandma, and you’re not her,” before hanging up the phone.

As I type this, I fear that I may have severed a connection between them. The thought breaks my heart because that moment could have been a bridge for their healing. She never made another attempt, as far as I know. And in a way, that makes this experience even more profound.

The energy work was unlike anything I had known. It was as if a bright healing light burst through us. It was translucent and rainbow-like, shimmering with opaque hues that felt both otherworldly and profoundly familiar. This light wasn’t just healing; it was mending the very gap I had played a part in creating. I realized I was weaving threads of forgiveness and love. It was a radiant, energetic feeling of pure compassion and understanding.

Shortly after this powerful moment, as I arrived home, a crow visited me. I heard it making its loud cawing sounds by my carport before flying in and landing in the tree in front of my house. It perched in the tree making a clicking sound I had never heard before. Then, it grabbed the cap of an acorn and tossed it down this was a gesture that felt completely intentional. I immediately burst into excitement. I knew, right then and there, that I was being thanked for all the hard work I had been doing. It was a sign of recognition from those who walked this path before me.

Crows are messengers, bridging worlds. They are keepers of wisdom and transformation, and this one was honoring my journey. I felt seen.

My throat, which had been carrying a heavy ball of energy for some time, is finally beginning to loosen. It transformed into phlegm, slowly breaking up and moving around. I realized that all of this had taken place after playing the flute and praying on the mountain. It is this work that had amplified the healing. The work I have been doing is helping me release generations of unspoken words and truths that were finally finding their voice through me.

It was such a beautiful experience, one I will hold close to my heart.

Dakota Zimmer

Hi! My name is Dakota. I am someone who is learning with you along the way, but we are all on separate journeys and we all still have things that were able to share and teach to others. Just as most of you I have also overcome a lot of struggles and hardships, and still facing them, because that's life. I don't want any of us to feel as if were alone in this. I did my studies in art and anthropology. So humans and creations are my passion. I want the best for all of us, and in doing so, we need to start creating! So lets do it!

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